Only 20 per cent government staff will be allowed to work from the office, while the rest of the 80 per cent will work from home, Chief secretary Mohd Zuki Ali said today. This will be done on a rotation basis and the rule will not apply to frontline workers, he added. The office attendance would be only for purposes that can’t be met from home.
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Chief secretary Mohd Zuki Ali said today said that government employees will work in an 80-20 ratio for the movement control order (MCO) period. This will not apply to frontline staff. Mohd Zuki Al said that while 20 per cent of staff will be called to the office, 80 per cent will work from home. This will be done on a rotation basis. The office attendance too was only for the work processes that cannot be done from home.
“Meetings and discussions are to be conducted online through a safe medium with guaranteed confidentiality,” the Chief Secretary told the media.