A man, who was seen feeding his baby with alcohol in a video on the internet, has been arrested by the police in Balik Pulau. The man, 19, was seen holding the baby in his hands and feeding him with a can that had alcoholic substance. The video had gone viral on social media, with people expressing their anger and disbelief with the act. The man has been arrested now. He has been sent to five days until Thursday (June 27) for investigation.
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A shocking 30-second video, showing a man feeding his baby with a can that had alcoholic substance, is going viral on social media. The man in the video has been arrested and has been sent to remand for 5 days. According to police, he has a record of 14 prior crimes and is under police surveillance in Teluk Bahang. A police report was launched against the man on Thursday and he was arrested shortly after. While it is unclear if the man holding the baby actually fed it from a can or not, the act is prima facie appears to be a crime under various laws.