Cosmetics tycoon Hasmiza Othman, also known as Seri Vida, is under fire after she allegedly used singer Siti Sarah’s death to promote a snack product. Founder of Qu Puteh, uploaded a clip, in which Sarah was seen consuming the snack.
She claims that she collaborated with Sarah to create a snack product, however, the plan was postponed due to Sarah’s pregnancy and movement control order. She added that “Sarah was a good businesswoman but God loves her more.”
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Neitizens have slammed her for using her death to encourage the public to try the snack product. Some wrote: ‘Using the deceased’s name for her own marketing, not considerate at all”.
Earlier, social media influencer Aisar Khaled angered citizens by making a YouTube video at Sarah’s grave. Users said he had no empathy or respect for her family. He later deleted the video and apologised for his clip.