GPS Secretary General Alexander Nanta Linggi said that the party will contest for all 82 seats in the upcoming state election. In a statement, he stressed that there will be no negotiations between Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu). This comes after news outlets claimed that Nanta had confirmed such negotiations had taken place.
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He said, “I would like to stress no such negotiation has ever been or will be held. In fact, GPS will contest in all 82 seats.” He clarified that his answer regarding the Krian seat was misinterpreted, as he was fully aware that GPS is not giving away any seats to any other party.
“I am disappointed with the actions of some media outlets that ‘put words into my mouth’ to sensationalise the issue of seat allocation for the 12th State Election,” he said.
He further said that he hopes that this statement will clear all parties real facts and there will be no more confusion on this matter.