The country’s longest-serving Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is celebrating his 96th birthday today. On the occasion, he posted a video on Twitter that shows his political journey all throughout these years. The 1-minute 19-second long video presented the larger than life picture of the 96-year-old leader.
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Mahathir wrote: “I would like to thank everyone who wished me a Happy 96th Birthday.” He added: “I am grateful for being given the time and opportunity to serve my religion, race and country. I apologize if anything I did offended any party.”
Saya ingin ucap terima kasih kepada semua yang telah ucap Selamat Hari Lahir saya yang ke-96.
— Dr Mahathir Mohamad (@chedetofficial) July 10, 2021
Saya syukur kerana diberi masa dan peluang untuk berkhidmat kepada agama, bangsa dan negara.
Saya pohon maaf jika ada yang saya lakukan menyinggung mana-mana pihak.