The anti-graft campaign in Malaysia, led by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, seems to be gaining momentum as showcased by recent high-profile arrests and crackdowns on corruption. A significant raid resulted in the detention of a prominent show business promoter, and opposition leader Hamzah Zainuddin’s accounts were frozen due to suspicions of corruption. Additionally, the son-in-law of former premier Muhyiddin Yassin and his lawyer are under investigation for alleged money laundering, with Interpol Red Notices issued against them.
However, despite these headline-grabbing actions, the anti-graft campaign has faced setbacks. Notably, a High Court judge dismissed abuse of power charges against former premier Muhyiddin related to the misallocation of funds during the pandemic. This decision highlighted flaws in the indictment by the Attorney General’s Chambers, leading to ongoing appeal proceedings. Despite these challenges, the success of Malaysia’s anti-graft efforts remains a critical element of Prime Minister Anwar’s administration.