Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said that Muhyiddin Yassin deliberately lied to the Parliament over the National Emergency revocation decision made by de facto Law Minister Takiyuddin Hassan. He said that the PM must know that he has no power to revoke the Emergency on his own. His statement comes amid the huge criticism of PM Muhyiddin Yassin over the recent controversy, demanding his and the entire cabinet’s resignation.
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Langkawi MP, 95, further said in his statement that Law Minister Takiyuddin made this blunder, but PM Muhyiddin Yassin was equally responsible as he did not stop the minister, despite sitting right next to him in the parliament.
“Neither did PM make any clarification nor stopped the minister when announcement made by Takiyuddin and therefore Muhyiddin is equally responsible for this shameful act.
In the line with Anwar Ibrahim and other opposition leaders, Dr M also said that PM Muhyiddin Yassin and his cabinet must resign.