In a horrifying incident, a woman raped and sodomised by a 40 years old man in Penang. The incident took place last week on 28 August in Taman Seruling Emas resident area. According to authorities, the suspect, who has been arrested by local police, first broke the main door of the house and raped the woman, who was sleeping at that time. The victim, 29, was working as a clerk at a furniture company in Sungai Bakap.
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The incident was reported by the victim’s friend who went to her house after she failed to show up for their meeting. According to the Seberang Prai Selatan district police chief, the suspect is believed to have gained access into the house while the woman was sleeping.
According to police, they found the victim’s dead body under the bed of her room. It is believed to be suffocated to death during the incident.
Authorities believe that the suspect continued raping her even after she died, then dragged her body to the floor and hid it under the bed.
The suspect admitted breaking into the victim’s house at 3 am. He took the victim’s cash, mobile phone, and pendant with him. However, claims he threw them into a river in the Changkat area.
Police arrested the suspect after taking help from neighbours, who had seen him leaving the house on the day of the incident.
The suspect is believed to have a previous criminal record for extortion, trespassing, robbery, and drug abuse. The case is being investigated under Section 302 of the Penal Code. Meanwhile, the victim’s body has been sent to Seberang Jaya Hospital for a post-mortem.