Police authorities have conducted questioning sessions with three prominent politicians, including the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, in connection with potentially sensitive statements made during a recent ‘Malay Proclamation’ assembly attended by the trio. The individuals under scrutiny include Dr. Mahathir, former deputy foreign minister Datuk Seri Marzuki Yahaya, and Malay Proclamation secretariat chairman Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan. The inquiries were carried out by the Bukit Aman Classified Crime Investigation Unit (USJT) D5 at Yayasan Albukhary.
Statements Taken by Police
Confirming the questioning, Federal Criminal Investigation Department (CID) director Datuk Seri Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain disclosed that statements were collected from all three individuals. The interrogation, which reportedly spanned around 30 minutes, commenced at approximately 3 pm. This development comes just days before the nation’s 66th Merdeka celebration on August 31.
The Context: ‘Malay Proclamation’ Initiative
In a video statement by Dr. Mahathir’s lawyer, Mohd Rafique Rashid Ali, it was revealed that the former Prime Minister, along with his counterparts, was questioned by the USJT from Bukit Aman regarding the “Malay Proclamation” initiative. This initiative involves Dr. Mahathir’s participation in a press conference during a roundtable discussion related to the matter. The individuals displayed full cooperation during the questioning.
Freedom of Expression and 3R Guidelines
Dr. Mahathir’s lawyer emphasized that the statements made by the former Prime Minister were reflections of his extensive 22-year and 22-month tenure as head of state. This isn’t the first time Dr. Mahathir has been questioned over the “Malay Proclamation” initiative; a prior session took place on June 2. The repeated investigations raise concerns about potential limitations on freedom of expression. Dr. Mahathir has repeatedly urged the government to establish clear guidelines for matters concerning Race, Religion, and Royalty (3R).
Unveiling the ‘Malay Proclamation’
The ‘Malay Proclamation’ is an initiative spearheaded by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad with the alleged aim of fostering unity within the Malay community and restoring their rights. The endeavor seeks to transcend political ideologies and prioritize the common interests of the community.