Pop star Britney Spears has announced engagement to long-time boyfriend Sam Asghari, 27. The 39-year-old singer posted a video on her social media account, flashing a huge diamond on her ring finger, which went viral in on time. Fans can’t stop gushing over the news and have flooded social media with congratulatory messages. The couple first met on the set of Britney’s “Slumber Part” music video in 2016.
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Asghari, who is a personal fitness trainer and actor, also announced the engagement on his Instagram, with a picture of the two kissing while Britney flaunts her ring with ‘lioness’ engraved inside it. He captioned the photo with a king and queen emoji.
The post has been liked by over 1.6 million people by Sunday night, with fans, friends and family pouring in congratulatory messages. Paris Hilton, in a comment, said, “Congratulations love! So happy for you! Welcome to the club!”
Britney has been married twice before. She first married her childhood sweetheart Jason Alexander in 2004, a wedding that annulled after few days, she then married dancer Kevin Federline in the year 2004 and got divorced in 2007. She has two children with her second husband.
Meanwhile, Britney’s father Jamie Spears —- with whom the actress had a legal tussle over her conservatorship —- filed a petition to a judge asking to end her 13-year conservatorship. In the petition, the actress said that the “Toxic” singer should get the chance to control her finances and health.