Mega Indian actor Prakash Raj today suffered an injury on the sets of his upcoming movie Dhanush 44. The actor, who has a great fan following across India, said on Twitter that he was fine. The actor will undergo a surgery at a private hospital in Andhra Pradesh province’s Hyderabad city. The actor recently won accolades for his role in Edhiri, a segment in Navarasa. Prakash Raj’s upcoming project, Dhanush 44 — on whose sets he suffered a fall —- will star Indian megastar Dhanush. The shooting for the movie commenced in Chennai last week.
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Meanwhile, Prakash Raj wrote on Twitter that the injury was small one. “A small fall.. a tiny fracture.. flying to Hyderabad into the safe hands of my friend Dr Guruvareddy for a surgery. I will be fine nothing to worry about.. keep me in your thoughts (sic),” the actor wrote