Actor Remy Ishak, 39, announced during a virtual press conference that he is getting married to girlfriend Ezza Yusof after a relationship of eight years. They started dating in the year 2013 and had formally agreed to marry in 2017, but they broke it off in 2019.
The 38-year-old Ezza, whose real name is Roszaliza Yusof, is a businesswoman in the footwear industry and is from Mentakab, Pahang.
The wedding ceremony will take place at a mosque in Kuala Lumpur with only the bridegroom, the bride and her male guardian presence.
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The actor said after the breakup, he tried to get along with other partners but it didn’t last long. Through all, he kept going back to Ezza and came to the final decision — that she is the one. He planned to get married last year, but due to the pandemic he postponed it. After canceling two dates, the couple decided to wait for the situation to get better.
According to Melaka-born star, he is not going to give up acting after getting married as acting is his passion, and he enjoys it. He is also looking into business with Ezza.