Apple fans might be in for a big revamp in display tech in the upcoming MacBook Pro models. A number of reports by the dedicated tech journals are suggesting that the new MacBook Pro, to be launched later in 2021, might miss the Touch Bar – a key feature loved by the Apple fans across the globe. These tech observers, infact, suggest that the touch bar might be replaced instead with a traditional row of function keys on top of the keyboard.
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The Display Supply Chain Consultants (DSCC) — a firm that keeps a tab on changes in display changes in the tech industry —- opines Touch Bars continue to be the #3 application with a 18% unit share and 1.2% revenue share in Q1’21.
“Our sources suggest that Apple may cancel the Touch Bar in the future,” DSCC has said.
Apart from DSCC, a report from TechRadar has also suggested the same quoting sources, that the Touch Bar is on the chopping block.