Actress and TV host Neelofa is trending on Twitter after she posted a picture donning a Niqaab (veil) on her Instagram account. Neelofa posted two pictures wearing a veil in a time span of just two days. While the first photo from Neelofa came in a black niqaab, her second picture was in brown niqaab. The first picture got 400,000 likes, while the second got around 3700,000 likes.
He supporters, inspired by the act, praised her on Twitter. So much so that her named was mentioned more than 28,000 times till the time of writing this post.
“The one that inspired me to try to cover my aurah slowly and perfectly,” Angel, a Twitter user, posted on her account.
“Neelofa wearing niqab… shes stunning af,” princess Jiee posted on Twitter.
“Truly my inspiration ❤Sparkles this beyond my words already Pleading facePleading facePleading face may you keep istiqomah in this path and inspire many more people sis lofa <3
@Neelofa we love you,” Twitter user Nochu wrote
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