Television star and former Bigg Boss contestant Sana Khan has been trending in India ever since she tied the knot with Gujarat-based Mufti Anas Sayad. After getting married to Mufti, people in India have divided over her personal choice but they have not been missing every single story about her. Her wedding came as a huge surprise to her fans as there was no hint of her marriage until a video went viral on the internet.
Sana Khan, who became popular after her stint on the famous and very controversial Indian reality show Big Boss 6.
The actress is flashing the name Sayied Sana Khan in her Instagram bio, post her wedding along with several pictures. She was dressed in regal red bridal attire with a gold jewellery set while Mufti Anas wore a traditional white outfit.
Earlier, a video went viral that showed Sana Khan walking hand in hand with her husband, who is a Muslim cleric and also a businessman.
The actress had last month announced her decision to quit showbiz, stating that the reason for the same was religious.