The Taliban government said on Sunday that it would allow women to continue their studies but under the Islamic Sharia law in Afghanistan. Taliban’ss Education Minister said on Sunday that women will attend the classes but there will be separate classrooms for male and female students. Announcing its new policies after falling Kabul into the Taliban’s hands, the patriarchal government said that female students must follow the Islamic attire, including the hijab.
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Taliban’s education minister Abud Baqi Haqqani said that male and female students can’t sit together in a class. “We will not allow co-education,” the minister said in a press conference.
Haqqani, who had recently said in a viral video that there is no worth of higher education, said in today’s press conference that all the students have to follow the Sharia law under its rule. However, he further added that there are no compulsory headscarves or face coverings in the classes, but hijabs will be mandatory.
Minister, said that the Taliban will not look back on their old 90s era, when women were not allowed to go to school and females were denied to leave their house without a male companion, but will implement rules according to today’s generation and time.
Taliban, however, banned women’s sports because it exposes their bodies. Recently, the Taliban banned women’s cricket, which is one of the most famous sports among the Afghani youths, citing that their faces and body will not be covered while playing cricket.